무플 무서워요

BlueTooth 관련용어

2010. 3. 8. 13:46

8DPSK - 8 Level Differential Phase Shift Keying
A2DP - Advanced Audio Distribution Profile
ACL - Asynchronous Connectionless
ACL - C - Asynchronous Connectionless Control
ACL - U - Asynchronous Connectionless User
Ad - Hoc) Network - Ad Hoc
AFH - Adaptive Frequency Hopping
AG - Audio Gateway - This is the device that is the gateway of the audio, both for input and output. Typical devices acting as Audio Gateways are cellular phones and personal computer.
Alternate MAC - Alternative Medium Access Control
AP - Access Point
APC - Adaptive Power Control
API - Application Program Interface
ASB - Active Slave Broadcast
AVCTP - Audio Visual Control Transport Protocol
AVDTP - Audio Video Distribution Transport Protocol
AVDTP - Audio Visual Distribution Transport Protocol
AVRCP - Audio Video Remote Control Profile
BB - Baseband
BD_ADDR - Bluetooth Device Address
BER - Bit Error Rate
BIP - Basic Imaging Profile
Bluetooth SIG - Bluetooth Special Interest Group
BNEP - Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol
BPP - Basic Printing Profile
BQB - Bluetooth Qualification Body
BQRB - Bluetooth Qualification Review Board
BQTF - Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility
BR - Basic Rate
CC - Call Control
CID - Channel Identifier
CID - Connection Identifier
CIP - Common ISDN Profile
CL - Connectionless
CMTP - CAPI Message Transport Protocol
CoD - Class Of Device
CTP - Cordless Telephony Profile
DAC - Device Access Code
Default ACL - Default Asynchronous Connectionless Link
DEVM - Differential Error Vector Magnitude
DI - Device ID Profile
DPSK - Differential Phase Shift Keying
DT - Data Terminal
DTE - Data Terminal Equipment
DTMF - Dual Tone Multi - Frequency
DUN - Dial - up Networking Profile
DUT - Device Under Test
ECDH - Elliptic Curve Diffie - Hellman
EDR - Enhanced Data Rate
eSCO - Extended Synchronous Connection Oriented
eSCO - S - Extended Synchronous Connection Oriented S
ESDP - Extended Services Discover Profile
FAX - Fax Profile
FCC - Federal Communications Commission
FEC - Forward Error Correction
FEC - Frame Error Check
FH - Frequency Hopping
FHS - Frequency Hopping Sequence
FHS Packet - Frequency Hopping Synchronization Packet
FHSS - Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
FIFO - First - In - First - Out
FSK - Frequency Shift Keying
FTP - File Transfer Profile
FW - Firmware
GAP - Generic Access Profile
GAVDP - General Audio Video Distribution Profile
GFSK - Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
GIAC - General Inquiry Access Code
GM - Group Management
GOEP - General Object Exchange Profile
GOEP - Generic Object Exchange Profile
GW - Gateway
HCI - Host Command Interface
HCI - Host Controller Interface
HCRP - Hard copy Cable Replacement Profile
HEC - Header Error Check
HFP - Hands Free Profile
HID - Human Interface Devices
HID Protocol - Human Interface Device Protocol
Hop Rate - Hopping Rate
HS - Headset - This is the device acting as the Audio Gateway’s remote audio input and output mechanism
HW - Hardware
IC - ISDN Client
ICP - Intercom Profile
IEEE - Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers
IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force
Inquiry - Inquiring
IP - Internet Protocol
IrDA - Infrared Data Association
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
ISM - Instrument, Scientific and Medical Band
ISOC - Isochronous
IUT - Implementation Under Test
L_CH - Logical Channel
L2CAP - Logical Link Control And Adaptation Protocol
LAN - Local Area Network
LC - Link Control
LIAC - Limited Inquiry Access Code
LLID - Logical Link Identifier
LM - Link Manager
LMP - Link Manager Protocol
LocDev - Local Device
LSB - Least Significant Bit
LT_ADDR - Logical Transport Address
MAC - Medium Access Control
MAPI - Messaging Application Programming Interface
MB - OFDM - Multi - Band Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
MITM - Man in the Middle
MM - Mobility Management
MMI - Man Machine Interface
MS - Mobile Station
MSB - Most Significant Bit
NFC - Near Field Communication
NFC Cooperation - Near Field Communication Cooperation
OBEX - Object Exchange
OOB - Out of Band
OOB - I - Out of Band Input Only
OOB - IO - Out of Band Input and Output
OOB - O - Out of Band Output Only
OPP - Object Push Profile
PAN - Personal Area Network Profile
PANU - Personal Area Network User
PBAP - Phone Book Access Profile
PC - Personal Computer
PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PDU - Protocol Data Unit
PHY - Physical Layer
Piconet ID - Piconet Identifier
PIM - Personal Information Manager
PIN - Personal Identification Number
PMP - Participant in Multiple Piconets
PN - Pseudo - Random Noise
PnP - Plug And Play
POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service
PPP - Point - To - Point Protocol
PRBS - Pseudo Random Binary Sequence
PRD - Program Reference Document
PSB - Parked Slave Broadcast
PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network
QoS - Quality Of Service
QoS Setting - Quality of Service Setting
RAND - Random Number
RemDev - Remote Device
RF - Radio Frequency
RFC - Request For Comments
RFCOMM - Radio Frequency Communication Protocol
RFI - Radio Frequency Interference
RFID - Radio Frequency Identification Tag
RX - Receiver
S - Slave
SAP - SIM Access Profile
SAR - Segmentation And Reassembly
SCO - Synchronous Connection Oriented
SD - Service Discovery
SDAP - Service Discovery Application Profile
SDP - Service Discovery Protocol
SDS - Service Discovery and Selection
SDU - Service Data Unit
SeP - Serial Port
SIG - Special Interest Group
SLP - Service Layer Protocol
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SPP - Serial Port Profile
SRES - Signed Response
SrvDscApp - Service Discovery Application
SS - Supplementary Services
SW - Software
SYNCH - Synchronization Profile
TCI - Test Control Interface
TCP - Telephony Control Protocol
TCS - Telephony Control protocol Specification
TDD - Time Division Duplex
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver And Transmitter
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
UI - User Interface
UPF - Unplugfest
UPnP - Universal Plug and Play
USB - Universal Serial Bus
UUID - Universally Unique Identifier
UWB - Ultra Wideband
VDP - Video Distribution Profile
WAP - Wireless Application Protocol
WAPB - WAP Bearer Profile
WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network
WPAN - Wireless Personal Area Network
WUG - Wireless User Group 

퍼온거에서 자세한 내용은 필요한것만 계속 Update(이 색깔로 표시) 예정...

출처 : http://bluelimn.tistory.com/581

'Develop' 카테고리의 다른 글

Charge Pump  (0) 2007.07.21
코드 요소가 읽기 전용이므로 ...  (0) 2007.05.19
Java 두명이요  (0) 2007.04.04
Believe or Not [Parody] (개발자라며...)  (0) 2007.03.22
Posted by DaSom
<요약> 어플리케이션을 릴리즈 모드로 Build 할 때 디버깅 정보를 남기어서 VC++ Debugging Tool에서 디버깅을 가능하게 합니다. 
이 방법을 사용하는 경우, 실제 릴리즈 실행 파일은 거의 영향을 받지 않으면서,
디버그에서 브레이크 포인터를 잡거나, Trace를 가능하게 하므로,
릴리즈모드 에서만 발생하는 버그를 잡을수 있습니다.

 이 방법을 사용하게 되면 _DEBUG free define으로 포함되는 디버깅 메크로는 포함되지 않으나,
Source code안으로 Step in 가능하게 하는 디버깅 정보들은 OBJ와 PDB 파일에 남게 됩니다.
 이를 이용하게 되면 VC++ IDE 환경에서 source level 까지의 step in이 가능해 집니다.

1. Project를 open한뒤 menu 'Project/Settings'를 선택합니다.
2. 'Settings For'를 'Win32 Release'로 선택합니다.
3. 'C/C++' tab에서 'category'를 'General'로 선택하고 'Program Database'로 선택합니다.
4. 'Link' tab에서 'category'를 General'로 선택하고 'Generate debug info'를 체크합니다.
5. 'Rebuild All'를 실행하여서 프로그램을 다시 빌드 합니다.

이제 디버깅 하고자 하는 위치에 브레이크포인터를 잡고 'Go'를 실행하면, 
디버깅을 진행할수 있습니다.

출처 :
3259 릴리즈 버젼 실행시 런타임 에러 찾아내기!!!!! 오인택(flytaek) 4363 2001-10-11
270 릴리즈 모드에서 브레이크 포인트 사용하기 장중한(keydary) 580 2000-02-15
179 릴리즈 버젼 실행시 런타임 에러.. 찾아내고 말기 :8 [ME]김태연(MonoEye) 775 1999-12-28
Posted by DaSom
웹 2.0을 이끄는 방탄웹(크리에이티브한 웹 표준 기법과 제작 사례) 상세보기
댄 씨더홈 저/박수만 역 | 에이콘출판사 | 2006년 03월 
성공적인 웹사이트를 구축하기 위한 핵심 사항인 웹 표준 전략을 갖춘 방탄웹 구축 과정을 설명하는『웹 2.0을 이끄는 방탄웹』. 웹 표준화를 어떻게 시작하고 무엇을 표준화 시켜야 하는지 알려주는 가이드 북으로 기존의 웹 사이트들을 사례로 들어 문제점을 지적하여 ...

'방탄웹'(Page 143)에 나와 있는 내용 중
마크업에 <br clear="all">을 넣어 float를 해제하는 구식 방법 등이 있습니다. 이런 방법으로 해결할 수 있긴 하지만 CSS기반의 웹디자인에서는 불필요한 방식이라고 하겠습니다. 또한 clear라는 속성은 최근 버전의 XHTML명세에는 유효하지 않은 속성이기도 합니다(XHTML 1.0 Strict, XHTML 1.1)
XHTML 1.0 Strict XHTML 1.1관련 내용이 언급되어있어서 찾아봤는데, 새로운 내용이 있을  줄 알았더니
별 내용은 없네. 대부분 이미 아는 내용.

  applet - object 태그로 사용합니다.
  basefont - CSS로 대체해 사용합니다.
  center - CSS inline
  dir, menu - ol or ul 태그를 대신 사용합니다.
  font - CSS font-family, font-size 등...
  iframe - 사용 불가
  isindex - input 태그로 사용합니다.
  s, strike - CSS text-decoration: strike-through
  u - CSS text-decoration: underline

속성!! (괄호 속은 해당하는 태그)
  align (caption, img, input, object, legend, table, hr) - 사용 불가
  align (div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p) -  CSS text-align 으로
  alink (body) - CCS에서 a:link  
  background (body, table, tr, td, th) - CSS background  
  border (img, object) - CSS border  
  clear (br) - CSS에서 clear  
  compact (dl, ol, ul) - CSS line-height  
  height (table) - 사용 불가
  height (td, th) - 사용 불가; 대신의 셀 속의 내용에 맞춰서 크기가 조정되도록 하세요.
  hspace (img, object) - CSS padding
  language (script) - type / MIME type 사용
  link (body) - CSS a:link
  name (img) - id를 이용하세요.
  noshade (hr) - 사용 불가  
  nowrap (td, th) - CSS white-space: pre  
  size (hr) - CSS margin-left, margin-right
  start (ol) - 사용 불가
  target (a) - 사용 불가
  text (body) - CSS color  
  type (li, ol, ul) - CSS list-style
  value (li) - 사용 불가
  version (html) - 사용 불가
  vlink (body) - CSS a:visited  
  vspace (img, object) - CSS padding  
  width (hr, pre) -  CSS width
  width (td, th) - 사용 불가

출처: http://www.zeroboard.com/?mid=study_html&search_target=title&document_srl=1497956 

'Develop > HTML / CSS' 카테고리의 다른 글

스타일 가이드 예제  (0) 2007.01.29
[링크] CSS2 규격 [한국어 번역]  (0) 2007.01.29
[링크] HTML 4.01 규격 [한글 번역문]  (0) 2007.01.29
Posted by DaSom


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